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Shabar Mantra Sangrah Pdf Freel: A Comprehensive Collection of Powerful Mantras for All Occasions

Shabar Mantra Sangrah Pdf Freel is a rare and valuable collection of shabar mantras, which are ancient and mystical formulas of sound and vibration that can be used for various purposes. Shabar mantras are different from other mantras in that they do not require any initiation or strict rules to follow. They are simple, easy and effective, and can be practiced by anyone who has faith and devotion.

Shabar Mantra Sangrah Pdf Freel

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Shabar Mantra Sangrah Pdf Freel contains hundreds of shabar mantras for various needs and situations, such as health, wealth, protection, success, love, marriage, enemies, court cases, black magic, ghosts, planets, deities and more. The book also explains the meaning and benefits of each mantra, as well as the method of chanting and using them.

Shabar Mantra Sangrah Pdf Freel is a free download that can be accessed from the Internet Archive . The book is in Hindi language and is written by S.N Khandelwal, a renowned scholar and expert on shabar mantras. The book is divided into 12 parts, each containing a different category of shabar mantras.

Shabar mantras are believed to be originated from the nine Nathas, who were the disciples of Lord Shiva. They received these mantras from Lord Shiva himself, and passed them on to their followers. Shabar mantras are also associated with various other saints and sages, such as Gorakhnath, Machindranath, Baba Balak Nath, Guru Gorakhnath and more.

Shabar mantras are powerful and effective because they contain the energy and blessings of the Nathas and other saints. They are also written in the common language of the people, such as Hindi, Urdu, Punjabi, Bengali and more. They do not require any special pronunciation or meter, and can be chanted with faith and devotion. They work for anyone who chants them with sincerity and respect.

Shabar Mantra Sangrah Pdf Freel is a treasure trove of shabar mantras that can help anyone in any situation. Whether you are facing problems in your personal or professional life, whether you are seeking health, wealth, happiness or peace, whether you are looking for love, marriage or progeny, whether you are troubled by enemies, black magic or evil spirits, you can find a suitable shabar mantra in this book that can solve your problem and fulfill your desire.

Shabar Mantra Sangrah Pdf Freel is not only a book of mantras, but also a guide to the spiritual and practical aspects of shabar mantra practice. The book explains the importance of faith, devotion, purity, discipline and ethics in shabar mantra chanting. It also gives tips and precautions on how to chant and use shabar mantras safely and effectively. It also warns about the possible side effects and dangers of misusing or abusing shabar mantras.

Shabar Mantra Sangrah Pdf Freel is a must-have for anyone who is interested in shabar mantras and their benefits. It is a rare and priceless collection of shabar mantras that can transform your life and destiny. It is a free download that can be accessed from the Internet Archive . Download it today and start experiencing the power and miracles of shabar mantras.

How to Download Shabar Mantra Sangrah Pdf Freel

If you want to download Shabar Mantra Sangrah Pdf Freel, you can follow these simple steps:

  • Go to the Internet Archive website and search for Shabar Mantra Sangrah Pdf Freel.

  • You will see a list of results with different parts of the book. Click on the part that you want to download.

  • You will see a page with the details and preview of the book. On the right side, you will see a download options menu. Click on the PDF option.

  • The PDF file will start downloading to your device. You can save it and open it with any PDF reader.

Alternatively, you can also use the direct links given below to download each part of the book:

  • Shabar Mantra Sangraha Part 1:

  • Shabar Mantra Sangraha Part 2:

  • Shabar Mantra Sangraha Part 3:

  • Shabar Mantra Sangraha Part 4:

  • Shabar Mantra Sangraha Part 5:

  • Shabar Mantra Sangraha Part 6:

  • Shabar Mantra Sangraha Part 7:

  • Shabar Mantra Sangraha Part 8:

  • Shabar Mantra Sangraha Part 9:

  • Shabar Mantra Sangraha Part 10:

  • Shabar Mantra Sangraha Part 11:

  • Shabar Mantra Sangraha Part 12:

You can also download the entire book as a single file from this link:

How to Use Shabar Mantra Sangrah Pdf Freel

Once you have downloaded Shabar Mantra Sangrah Pdf Freel, you can start using it for your benefit. However, before you use any shabar mantra, you should follow some basic guidelines and precautions:

  • Read the introduction and instructions given in the book carefully. Understand the meaning and purpose of each shabar mantra.

  • Choose a shabar mantra that suits your need and situation. Do not use any shabar mantra randomly or without a specific goal.

  • Have faith and devotion in the shabar mantra and the Nathas or saints who gave them. Do not doubt or disrespect the shabar mantra or its source.

  • Follow the method of chanting and using the shabar mantra as given in the book. Do not alter or modify the shabar mantra or its procedure.

  • Chant the shabar mantra with a clear and loud voice. Do not whisper or mumble the shabar mantra.

  • Chant the shabar mantra for the prescribed number of times or duration. Do not chant more or less than what is required.

  • Use the appropriate materials and items for the shabar mantra, such as flowers, incense, oil, water, etc. Do not use any substitute or impure items.

  • Perform the shabar mantra in a clean and quiet place. Do not perform the shabar mantra in a crowded or noisy place.

  • Maintain purity and discipline while performing the shabar mantra. Do not eat meat, alcohol, garlic, onion, etc. Do not indulge in any sinful or immoral activities.

  • Do not share or disclose the shabar mantra or its results to anyone. Keep it secret and confidential.

If you follow these guidelines and precautions, you will be able to use Shabar Mantra Sangrah Pdf Freel effectively and safely. You will also experience positive results and benefits from the shabar mantras.

I sing the aarti of Lord Hanuman.

Destroy the disease, give me strength, wisdom and knowledge.

Hail Hanuman, hail Hanuman.

Hail Hanuman, hail Hanuman.

The method of using the shabar mantra is:

  • Chant this shabar mantra 108 times daily in the morning and evening.

  • Offer red flowers, sindoor and ghee lamp to Lord Hanuman.

  • Pray to Lord Hanuman to heal you and bless you with health.

Shabar Mantra for Wealth

If you are facing financial problems or want to attract wealth and prosperity, you can use this shabar mantra to fulfill your wishes. This shabar mantra is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, who is the goddess of wealth and abundance.

The shabar mantra is:

श्र लक्ष्म ज क आरत गऊं

धन धन्य समृद्ध द, कष्ट दुख दूर कर

जय लक्ष्म जय लक्ष्म

जय लक्ष्म जय लक्ष्म

The meaning of the shabar mantra is:

I sing the aarti of Goddess Lakshmi.

Give me wealth, grains and prosperity, remove all troubles and sorrows.

Hail Lakshmi, hail Lakshmi.

Hail Lakshmi, hail Lakshmi.

The method of using the shabar mantra is:

  • Chant this shabar mantra 108 times daily in the morning and evening.

  • Offer yellow flowers, turmeric and ghee lamp to Goddess Lakshmi.

  • Pray to Goddess Lakshmi to grant you wealth and prosperity.

Shabar Mantra for Protection

If you are facing any danger or threat from enemies, black magic or evil spirits, you can use this shabar mantra to protect yourself. This shabar mantra is dedicated to Lord Narasimha, who is the fierce and powerful incarnation of Lord Vishnu.

The shabar mantra is:

श्र नृसंह ज क आरत गऊं

शत्रु भूत प्रेत दष कर, रक्ष कर मुझे

जय नृसंह जय नृसंह

जय नृसंह जय नृसंह

The meaning of the shabar mantra is:

I sing the aarti of Lord Narasimha.

Destroy the enemies, ghosts and evil effects, protect me.

Hail Narasimha, hail Narasimha.

Hail Narasimha, hail Narasimha.

The method of using the shabar mantra is:

  • Chant this shabar mantra 108 times daily in the morning and evening.

  • Offer red flowers, kumkum and ghee lamp to Lord Narasimha.

  • Pray to Lord Narasimha to shield you from all harm and danger.

Shabar Mantra for Success

If you are seeking success in any field or endeavor, you can use this shabar mantra to achieve your goals. This shabar mantra is dedicated to Lord Ganesha, who is the remover of obstacles and the giver of success.

The shabar mantra is:

श्र गणेश ज क आरत गऊं

वघ्न हर, सफलत द, कर्य सद्ध कर

जय गणेश जय गणेश

जय गणेश जय गणेश

The meaning of the shabar mantra is:

I sing the aarti of Lord Ganesha.

Remove the obstacles, give me success, make my work accomplished.

Hail Ganesha, hail Ganesha.

Hail Ganesha, hail Ganesha.

The method of using the shabar mantra is:

  • Chant this shabar mantra 108 times daily in the morning and evening.

  • Offer red flowers, modak and ghee lamp to Lord Ganesha.

  • Pray to Lord Ganesha to bless you with success and prosperity.


Shabar Mantra Sangrah Pdf Freel is a unique and valuable resource for anyone who wants to learn and practice shabar mantras. Shabar mantras are ancient and powerful formulas of sound and vibration that can help you in any situation and fulfill your desires. Shabar mantras are simple, easy and effective, and can be chanted by anyone who has faith and devotion.

Shabar Mantra Sangrah Pdf Freel contains hundreds of shabar mantras for various purposes, such as health, wealth, protection, success, love, marriage and more. The book also explains the meaning, benefits and methods of each shabar mantra. The book is a free download that can be accessed from the Internet Archive.

If you want to download and use Shabar Mantra Sangrah Pdf Freel, you should follow some basic guidelines and precautions to ensure the best results. You should also have respect and gratitude for the Nathas and saints who gave these shabar mantras to humanity.

Shabar Mantra Sangrah Pdf Freel is a rare and priceless collection of shabar mantras that can transform your life and destiny. Download it today and start experiencing the power and miracles of shabar mantras. d282676c82


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